Monday, September 8, 2008

The Boys are Back!!!

I am sure most of you noticed but my second favorite sport is back in season! FOOTBALL!!

Tonight is the first game of the season for my Minnesota Vikings. Yes, I am from California and I like the Vikings. I am definitely not a Chargers fan. Not really sure why. I told Andy Boywer it was because I'm not gangster enough. Either way... no go on the Chargers.

To be honest, after the L.A. Rams left in 1994, I had no team until I was sent some Vikings paraphernalia for Christmas from family friends in Minnesota. From then on I was a fan. Hat in place and foam finger in hand, I was cheering for them every year. And yes, they continued to break my heart.

This year, I have heard some commentators say that the Viks have what it takes to be Superbowl material. I am liking that prediction.

In any case, I am super excited for football to be back!

1 comment:

Hattica said...

That's B-O-W-Y-E-R to you, luv :o)